We are headquartered in Bessemer, Alabama as a leader in providing foundry and industrial products, equipment and supplies from the nation's top manufacturers. Serving primarily the metals melting industry and steel, aluminum and brass mills, but also cement, paper and pulp, incinerator and power plants since 1999, Specialty Foundry is your full-service foundry supply company.
Our value is in the experience we bring to the supply process -- experience that our competitors simply cannot match. With well over 250 years combined experience, our management, sales, order entry, customer service, warehouse, delivery and installation teams all had experience in the foundry industry before joining Specialty Foundry Products. We are an active member of several chapters of the American Foundry Society (AFS) and partner with them in activities that enhance the economic progress of the metal casting industry.
Our mission is to be responsive to the needs of our customers, sensitive to the needs of our employees and to achieve profitable growth as the experienced leader in supplying quality products, services and technology to the metal casting industry.